Monday, March 23, 2015

The City Proper and Linkeroever

So today looked as though it might be one of the few decent, sun-shiny days here, so I decided to walk through the city and take the Sint-Anna Tunnel beneath the River Schelde and over to the left bank, also known as Linkeroever. Seeing Antwerp from the other side was spectacularly awesome, but discovering and exploring Vlaeykensgang has rocketed to the top of my favourite things about Antwerp. It's this somewhat hidden little alleyway that winds 'round and 'round and pops you out the other side and onto Hoogstraat. If I could live anywhere in Antwerp, I'd love a tiny little place tucked away in Vlaeykensgang.

Vlaeykensgang begins once you step foot through the darkened doorway. It was utterly dreamlike.

The long descent into the Sint-Anna Tunnel begins!

The beautiful city of Antwerp.

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