Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Last Look

This morning after packing my bags and lounging about the flat, I received a surprise visit from Michel. Dontcha just love when someone shows up at the front door when you haven't showered, the place is a mess and you're still in your jammie jams? Well, I left Michel locked out until I had a chance to throw on a bra, a hat, some pants and clean up a bit. We chatted for a few minutes and he's very nice. I couldn't help thinking that if he and his boyfriends asked me to go out for drinks, even though I can't eat any Belgian food and I don't drink and I'm super awkward and terrified of everything, I would absolutely accept. Oh well, not meant to be.

I had planned on staying in all day, since it was supposed to rain off and on and I wanted to clean up the apartment and get ready for an early morning start. Then I said to myself, "Sod it." and went for a walk to see this gorgeous city one more time. I wish the people here were more open and chatty and warm, but they aren't and although that makes me a little sad, I am so delighted to have had three opportunities to stay in a place as magnificent as Antwerp. I miss it already but hope to see it in my dreams.


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