Monday, February 9, 2015

Trapped in French Class

This is an old note from Kathleen that I saved from my senior year of high school. Along with our friend, Katay, the three of us were fans of Grease and so I was Rizzo, Kate was Sandy, and Kathleen was Frenchy. My mother couldn't stand Kathleen but I thought she was absolutely hilarious. Funny and outrageous and the two of us instantly hit it off. We didn't last beyond high school, but we sure had fun while it lasted!


I just failed my French test, thanks. This guy in front of me has the worst breath I've ever smelled. Sebastian ain't got nothin' on him. Come on get w/the program. It's called a toothbrush.

I hope he doesn't read my thing in Creative writing. Je suis très faim et très fatigué. Je suis allé à couche. My Français teacher needs some serious help w/her clothes. Can you believe my grandmother bought me that big pig? She's so funny. I need a job. As soon as I get my license, I'm getting a job. Ah, si j'avais gagné à la loterie. I have to do my Français devoir maintenant. Au revoir. 


I love how Kathleen jumps from one thought to the next. Very typical of a seventeen year old girl who has way too much going on in her mind and just barfs it all up and onto the page for me to read. Funny thing is, I could always follow right along.

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