Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Zen of Bennett

Wow, what a wonderful man. This documentary showcases the person behind the voice. Tony Bennett seems to have such a close and caring relationship with each of his children and is so adoring of his wife, which only endeared him more to me. I was especially touched by how he spoke to Amy Winehouse during the recording of their duet. She looked beautiful but seemed extremely nervous and very anxious. With each take, she seemed to become more and more on edge and continued to apologise to everyone. Tony brought it all together when he stopped and asked her if she'd been influenced by Dinah Washington. He then just softly spoke about Dinah and it seemed to lull Ms. Winehouse into a calm state where she could perform and feel no sense of insecurity. It was such a sweet, sweet thing for him to do.

I love storytellers. I collect stories actually. Throughout the film, Tony would often reminisce about his past performances, his time serving in World War II, his parents, different people he has known through the years, and other various moments in his life. Everything he said was fascinating and intriguing and he says it all in that magically soothing voice. He's definitely the kinda guy that I'd love to have dinner with at the 21 Club in New York. Hell, I'd even wear a dress and heels.

Everything you do should be done with love.
             - my new motto, care of the remarkable Tony Bennett.

(photo kidnapped from ifccenter)

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