Saturday, February 21, 2015

So long, Ash...

Friday night I picked up Nicole in Fishtown and dropped her at her father's place up in the Northeast. Ashlee met me out front and we dashed out to Dunkin' for one last time together. She and Sean left early this morning to move to Norfolk, Virginia and last night I felt like a mother whose child is going away to college. I am very bitter about Ashlee leaving. For the last year and a half she's been my closest confidant. I can tell her anything and she's actually interested in what I have to say. She asks me for advice and we always have the best conversations. All of that is over now. She's all grown up and has a family of her own. I got really upset in the car when we were talking, but I felt so much better just letting her know how much I'm going to miss her. Then I got my shit together and we took a bunch of silly selfies in the car and then more with Nicole. I'm so happy for Ashlee, but it's really lousy that she's gone.



  1. I can certainly sympathize with the way you're feeling. I myself am going through a tiny tiny fraction of the same thing at this very moment. As the Buddha once pointed out, everything changes. But it's no secret that I absolutely hate change. There's nothing really anyone can say to lessen the empty space you'll be feeling for a while but just remember that she's only separated from you in physical miles, that's all. Even in Norfolk, both your hearts remain right next to each other.

  2. Ain't you a sweetie sweet sweet! Thank goodness for texting and FaceTime - it's almost like Ashlee never left.
