Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekend of Food!

Had a weekend that was full of tasty grub, mostly falafel. Saturday in Fishtown with Nicole, we tried out a new place (well, new for us) on Girard called Falafel Hummus & Juice Bar (more on this delightful eatery in a future post!). After we gorged ourselves to the bursting point, I dropped Miss Nicole at a friend's place then picked up Ashlee in Mayfair and we were off to Bryn Mawr. Ah....Bertucci's. Our waitress was the best. I told her to bring all of our food at once, appetizers, entrees, desserts, all of it, and then to leave us for the evening because we had lots to talk about. This woman occasionally walked past, picked up an empty glass on the edge of the table, refilled it, and returned it without making eye contact. It was perfection. So nice to sit and not have a break in our conversation.

Then today I picked up my Godmommy and we headed to Vgë Café, my newest hot spot for delicious vegan food! We chatted til they turned out the lights and we were kicked out onto the streets (lovingly kicked out, I should say.) It was an expensive weekend for Baby's wallet, but always worth it when I'm spending time with some of the best people ever created.

(Nicole, all bright eyed and ready to eat!!)
(mmmm...Falafel & Hummus' falafel pita wrap - to die for!!)
(Ashlee, ready for dessert first!)
(Margherita pizza, minestrone soup and chocolate cake for Ash and for me - bruschetta and Tuscan veggies!!)
(Godmommy Gina and Godbaby Star)
(Peanut Butter Bomb cake and a Hostess knock-off mini cupcake for Aunt Gina - mine was way tastier!!)
(Scrumptious baked falafel wrap with a side o' kale chips!)

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