Tuesday, January 27, 2015

More 'za with Jaeden!

Jaeden and I have made a point of trying new pizza joints every time we hang out. This past weekend we went to the Art of Pizza on Girard. Jaeden loved his cheesy pie with sausage and bacon crumblies. Mine was just okay. I feel like ever since I went vegan it's impossible to find a truly great pizza at non-vegan pizza places. Except for that slice in Baltimore at Two Boots. Oh my goodness, that was spectacular! (Kayla and I are going there for her bday in April and frankly, I'm drooling already.) I think without cheese, a pizza needs something else and so many places don't have a sauce and crust that blow my mind. A good pizza should not solely depend on the combination of sauce and cheese. It should stand on its on if it's a red pie or a white pie. So few places are able to achieve this. Next time, I am definitely taking Jaeden to Blackbird because they have the best vegan pizza in the tri-state area. No lie. I mean, Art of Pizza was alright, but if I never went back, that'd be fine. But, my boy Jaeden was happy, so that's all that matters!

Conversation with boys can be a struggle for me sometimes. I'm not interested in video games and all the fun things that boys like. I think I'm gonna have Jaeden and I read the same book so when we get together we have something to really dive into. I love Jaeden and I have so much fun being around him because he is such a sweet and caring guy, but I don't want to pretend to be interested in what he's talking about. I want it to be for real. However, we will always have our love of pizza to hold us together!!


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