Saturday, September 13, 2014

Jersey Diners

Scrolling through old photos of my late nights at local diners and thought I'd post a few.

First up is my favourite diner pal, Kat. For a few years there, we hit the the local greasy spoon every week after work. I'd nearly forgotten how wonderful it was to stay up til the wee small hours while listening to Jimmy Buffet and smoking cigarette after cigarette. Not to mention eating pancakes with tons of butter and syrup or fries and mozzarella sticks. With a shake on the side, of course. All so unbelievable bad for your health, but great nonetheless.

This here is a fuzzy pic of Marina in July of 2005 enjoying some enchiladas at the Palace Diner.
(Clearly, I was feeling very Andy Warhol when I snapped this photo.)

Here I am with Michael in April of '06. We ran into a fellow diner buddy of Michael's and she took our picture. No one loves the diner experience more than Michael, and I am certain that no one misses the smoking section more than he does.

Andrew with cigarette in motion.
Karen and Anne calculating the tip at the end of a long night of laughter while April awaits their decision.

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