Thursday, September 25, 2014


My friend, Lauryn, told me about this company, graze, that ships out yummy, wholesome and healthy treats right to your home. Anyone that knows me knows of my love of receiving mail, especially packages, so I signed up immediately. The snacks are wonderful and graze has a fabulous selection. I especially like that I could choose things that were not vegan friendly and immediately trash them. Also, their customer service is top notch. One of my boxes was well over a week late, so I sent them a little email to see if they could track it down. They responded right away, apologised, and said that my next box would be free of charge. Of course, the next day the box arrived. I notified them and asked them to charge me and they emailed me this:

Hooray! I'm glad to hear your box has arrived, thanks for letting us know.

It's lovely and honest of you to ask us to take the credit off your account, but to apologize for the delay and any inconvenience, we're very happy to let you keep it. The next box we send will still be free of charge. :)

I hope you enjoy it, and the treats we chose for your box! Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,

No pretenses or stuffiness in this email! Rachel is clearly a real, live and obviously awesome person, and this email made me love graze even more. So nice to have an interaction with someone that's real and not some robotic response. I'm tellin' ya, this company is exceptional.

To score your first and fifth boxes for freesies, go to graze, enter this code: LISAS739B then stakeout your mailbox for those tasty goodies to arrive!


  1. Ohh Emmm Ceee (the C. stands for Cthulhu), I was soooooo close to signing up for graze about 6 months ago but never did. You maketh me rethinks, methinks.

  2. Oh you've gotta try them! Just be sure to use the LISAS739B code to score a killer deal. I'm actually enjoying graze's Dark Rocky Road as I type this!

  3. Oooooo you devil! You've got me seriously thinking about joining...

  4. Do it - you won't be disappointed. I got Kat into joining, so come on board!!
