Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Family Reunion

To say I was dreading this reunion is a grand understatement. Ashlee and I hung out Friday night and were driving to Abington with hate in our hearts. Half of those people we weren't even gonna know, so what the hell are we doing this for?? But regardless, we said we would show up and that meant we had to follow through (and only stay for an hour). The first person to greet us was my brother, Dave, who can make a stressful situation into a god damn keg party in just under thirty seconds. He is that hysterical. And thirty seconds was precisely how long it took for Ash and I to take a breath, relax and enjoy the afternoon. We wound up chatting with aunts, uncles, and lots of cousins and stayed almost to the bitter end. I got in a bunch of photos with some of my favourite and most beloved relatives - check 'em out:

Emily Rose and Isabella
 Emily, Bella, & Ashlee
Me and Bella
With MJ
Hanging with my cousin Jason - Jazz musician extraordinaire!
Marina and Star!
Mateo and his Grampa, my Uncle Paul
Yours Truly, my sister-in-law Stacey, Mum, and Dave
With my childhood babysitter, Aunt Berne
 Cousin Zachary
With my fave uncle, Phil, who is often nearly as silly as I am, if you can believe it.
Me & Jenny being photobombed by Ashlee
All in all it was a really good time and if we do it again next year I may actually look forward to it!

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