Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blackbird Pizzeria

I've only been to Blackbird twice, but damn, that place is dee-lish! Bishop and I are looking to go next month, and frankly, I can't stinkin' wait!

On my first visit with Ashlee, I had a yummy seitan cheesesteak and she had a slice of the Haiwaiian. I'm all about pizza, so when Kayla and I went, I had two slices, The Haymaker and The Marinara, and both were utterly fantastic (but The Haymaker was my favourite with seitan sausage, red onions, garlic butter, tomato sauce, daiya cheese and fresh oregano. I'm salivating as I type this!). The Haymaker was recommended by the dreamy gal behind the counter who was super patient and set me right at ease. The entire staff at Blackbird comes across as crazy friendly, young and hip without being too cool. That definitely makes me want to return. I love Govinda's food, but their staff always seemed aloof and like the customers were interrupting their day by coming in.

Oh, one more thing - the cookies are superb! The Kitchen Sink with chocolate chips, tater chips, pretzels, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, and oats was really good and with a great combination of flavours. The Blackout cookie, with it's crushed coffee beans, was near perfection. I took it home with me and had it later with some almond milk. Incredible.

If you are vegan, or just interested in fabulous food in a clean place with a staff that smiles, I'm tellin' ya - get thee to Blackbird Pizzeria on 6th Street in Philly. It's remarkable.

(clearly this menu was folded in half and stuffed into my bag, but you get the general idea.)

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