Friday, June 6, 2014

Best Costume Ever!!

Dean Pelton has quickly found himself a place in my heart. (Right next to Abed, of course.) As a gal without television, I've only just gotten around to catching up on Community eps (past season 2, that is) and I'm currently on disc 2 of season 4. The Dean's crazy outfits always, always get a great big laugh from me, but this black and white movie gal get up was exceptionally brilliant. I really wanna do something like this for Halloween one year. Only I know I can't pull off this super feminine look. Maybe I could be the punk rock girl from a mid-nineties Indie flick that was so independent it had to be filmed in black and white...ya know, à la Clerks or Dead Man... Now that would be incredible.

(photo kidnapped from chekhovsgunman)

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