Friday, May 9, 2014

What R the good Things

watching the seasons change every year
having plenty of healthy food to devour
clean, filtered water! (can't get enough of it...)
hugs that last just a little longer than usual (it's that extra bit of love)
working a job that I actually really like
finding new places - new experiences
walking on the beach late at night with someone wonderful
hearing the kids laugh
feeling the wind on my face on a hot day
meditating - just being still and focusing on each breath
getting turned on to new music 
more importantly, free will
reading really, really great books that completely take you away
the smell of an Italian restaurant (mmm....garlic bread...)
pb & jam sandwiches w/chips crushed between the bread!
supportive friends and family
knowledge and the pursuit of more
art (in any form) that inspires
when strangers are unexpectedly kind
relationships with those that make you a better person
the desire to do more and then actually following through
standing up for yourself and for others, too
pretty much any book by Mo Willems (oh the happiness it brings...)
people that make a difference, no matter how small
gratitude for everything
having people care about you
saying something bizarrely funny and getting a laugh
massages after a long, long, tough work week
Indian food with naan
confiding in someone and knowing that it's in their vault
getting sick and realising how good it is to be well
waking up in the morning and feeling 100% pain free
looking up at the sky at any time of day and just being in the moment

(that's all i gots for now, but believe me, there's sure to be more to follow.)

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