Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Favourite Mii

I've really gotten in to the wii Fit ever since my cousin Jenny gave me the balance board and game disc. I'm practically obsessed. I really love the jogging because all the mii characters I've created are there with me. Just yesterday I was out on the path and my father ran by, then my cousin Donna came up on my right side, followed by Joy near the finish line. All of my deceased friends and relatives still seem to exist here, because, I mean come on, I was not about to delete them from my mii world. What sense would that make? But one highlight is seeing the celebrity miis. I've only made three - Henry Rollins, Judah Friedlander, and Ron Perlman. Ron Perlman is my favourite. When he throws me those hula hoops and I catch it and keep on hooping, I love to see him jump up and spin 360° in a fit of glee at my success. It's those little things in life that keep it zany and interesting!

(ps - Look close to see - there's Bishop in the top left, Judah in red at the lower left, Mum just next to Judah in dark blue, and Marina in the light blue! I think I went a little bananas with Ron Perlman's eyebrows...whatever. We'll call it artistic license.)

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