My little brother and I are, and have always been, total movie junkies. From time to time we will text one another lines from films. Here are some of the ones that I saved:
~This cow got in to an onion patch.
~I'll never be big enug to pull anything but silly old boxcars...
~Hey Russell, what'd you do to my mama?! Hey pull over Russell. Ooooo! I'm gonna nail you, I'm gettin' bugged now, woah man!
~...they love their mothers, boy, oh they love their mothers. My Irish mother this and oh my Irish mother. And Ireland must be Heaven cause my mother came from there...
~Coffey looks and he sees Russians.
~That's one medal the men will have to accept posthumously.
~Smells like they're cookin' a goddamn cat over there...
~I'm eating scrambled eggs with a comb out of a shoe!
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